ABC Kids Games - Learn Fruits
Category :Family Education
free learning children game app abcd for kids alphabet game and learn fruits name.
abc alphabet learning game designed with fruits picture kids can learn alphabet from name of fruits.
this learning game useful for kindergarten toddler preschool and all ages learning abc easy with fruits name.
in the game there are five options for kids learn vocab with fruits learn tracing or writing abc learn to spell fruits shadow matching game and fruits colouring pages.
for vocabulary game they can learn vocab from a to z with fruits name.
for abc tracing game kids can learn trace or write english alphabet from a z.
for phonic spelling game can learn spelling words and learn reading from with fruits name.
for abc matching games learn the relationship of fruits image by drag each fruits and drop it matched with their shadow.
and for fruit drawing and coloring pages learn to painting and coloring fruits picture and also can color abc alphabet with fruits name.
how to play game
download and install abc alphabet learning fruits first.
open game wait for loading you 39 ll seen menu screen.
select game menu to play.
on off music if you want.
learn fun alphabet game.
no matter how old your kids are this game covered for all kindergarten abc learning game for toddler preschool alphabet game.
fun with fruits abc learning game
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