colors is one of the most basic and important thing for your toddler.
quot learning colors for toddlers quot is educational game for toddlers to learn colors.
this game contains 3 section learning learning games and fun games.
1. quot learning quot section contains two educational learning levels to learn colors.
the first level quot know the colors quot teaches the 12 colors red yellow blue green brown orange black white purple pink cyan and gray.
your toddler hears all the colors name and will recognize the colors.
the second level quot colors in life quot teaches the toddler to match color to fruits vegetables toys clothes and other items.
2. quot learning games quot section contains two educational games for learning.
the first game quot toys and colors quot teaches the 12 colors in educational way.
the second game quot tap the colors quot teaches the toddler to listen the color name and tap on the right color.
3. quot fun games quot section contains two fun games.
the first game is a color memory game this improves memory brain and creativity of your child.
the second game quot pop balloons quot is a fun game. it apos s fun to pop balloons with different color.
coming soon x2013 quot paint with colors quot x2026