don't cross the line is a chance to stoke brainiac lore by passing each lvl and a way to develop complete complex attention statistics to unite your brainiac mind lore. all these with one purpose
to concentrate and carefull complete all the complex euler puzzles from one of the most addictive and awesome games on the market.
spare some cognitive power to stroke to the finish line and carefull develop your mind to be able to concentrate better under pressure.
don't cross the line is an eulerian complex game in which you have to unite the dots using brainiac forces to complete the puzzles as fast as possible so you can improve your in game statistics and real live attention.
passing each level is like doing math but easier and euler stylish
just stop staring and take the offered chance aaah do you think it's too easy well don't cross the line is a medium game build for low minds but also for the brainiac minds who want to complete some awesome eulerian puzzles and improve their statistics.
the purpose of the game isn't just to unite each points or passing lvl's it's about a total addictive euler experience which is going to improve your attention you 39 ll be able to concentrate better stoke more lore and carefull improve your cognitive side.
although the chance is offered don't worry you 39 re not gonna become a brainiac unless you want it to. the game offers medium to complex levels for all the minds.
have we mentioned at one point you 39 ll notice a chaser that will follow you trying to lose your attention just focus stronger and you 39 ll get it passed
we also challenge the best brainiac which is passing .